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All On Four Dental Implants Service

Posted by: | Posted on: June 12, 2021

Expecting the more sophisticated solution to tooth loss and edentulism (not having any of your original adult teeth left) to be more expensive than traditional methods would seem to be completely logical. 

After all, the more modern and advantageous a technology, the more manufacturers and businesses charge us for them! However, when it comes to the all on 4 implants, the reverse situation applies. 

All on Four dental implants in Colleyville can save patients as much as $50,000.00 or more on complete oral rehabilitation for the following reasons:

1. The All on Four techniques almost never require bone grafting beforehand; a surgical procedure that is not only painful but expensive as well. 

It also requires several months and even up to a year for a patient to heal before dental implants can actually be placed which then requires an additional 6 months of healing before teeth can be built onto them.

2. The All on Four, as the name suggests, only requires four dental implants per jaw as opposed to eight to twelve as traditional methods frequently require. 

When you consider that a single dental implant costs in the region of $4,000 it's not hard to understand how much this advanced dental implant protocol can really save patients!

3. All on Four dental implants in Houston only require a single surgery for placement whereas traditional methods call for multiple surgeries spread out over as long as two years.

4. The All on Four enjoys a higher success rate (of 98% to be exact), which means that fewer patients face the need for future surgeries or restorations.


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