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Assign an Architectural photographer in Melbourne

Posted by: | Posted on: February 22, 2021

Architectural photographers take professional-quality photos of buildings and other structures. Their photos are often intended for commercial use, for developers who post them online or in brochures, or for project team portfolios.

Since real estate images often attract prospective buyers and customers, it is very important that attractive photographs are made available, and the right photographs can be very valuable to those who hire them.

Architectural photographers are trained photographers, in interior and exterior photography,  who have specialized in architecture throughout their career, or who have completed basic training as an architect or a related profession. 

Image Source: Google

There are several things to consider when setting up architectural photography. Photographers have different styles and philosophies, and it's important to do your research before choosing someone.

It is important to decide whether an image is needed for recording or for sale. The photographer can choose whether he or she wants to show part of the building environment or interesting angles and perspectives. A controlled perspective is often used, with an emphasis on unified and parallel vertical lines.

Outdoor architectural photography can use natural light or ambient light, while indoor photography often requires additional lighting, such as electronic flash or incandescent. This may take more setup time, but is ultimately more controllable than the exterior, where lights change, shadows move, people and traffic pass by, and so on.

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