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Choose Astrology Gemstones According To Birth Month

Posted by: | Posted on: June 4, 2021

Astrology Gemstones are deserved to be called the real spiritual stones which can give a magic turn to a life of the person who wears it correctly according to his birth chart as it is believed that it has the power to turn the attitudes of planets positively for the person concerned or can reduce the negativity of such planets.

Each gemstone belongs to a planet and having different impacts on life so by reading this article you will get to know about choosing it right according to the birth date.

Below is the list of such lucky gemstones with associated months which can guide you in choosing the right one for you:

Yellow Topaz-It comes in various colors like pink, purple orange, blue and yellow. But for November-born people, yellow topaz is the best.

Citrine-It is believed that it guides the person in the right way. It supports vitality and gives hope too.

Tanzanite-It is used as an affordable alternative to sapphire. It comes in different blue shades from blue to purple.

Zircon-It has the power to give relief from pain, disease, and injury. It also gives a peaceful sleep to the wearer.

Turquoise-It comes in both translucent and opaque both. It has several colors shared like sky blue, greenish-blue, robin's egg blue.

Blue Topaz-It is generally used in a gemstone as fashion jewelry as looks very different and elegant.

You can buy original gemstones in India via the internet or can buy natural gemstones by contacting local gemstone dealers. Both ways will give you a positive return in terms of good astrology gemstones if you choose them wisely.

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