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Dermal Filler In Cosmetic Dermatology – Difference Between Botox, Restylane And Sculptra

Posted by: | Posted on: September 11, 2020

With the many dermal fillers available, it can be difficult to decide on the most appropriate option. But, just knowing a little more about the available options can help you choose the right and best dermal filler.

Presently, it's a really common and most secure procedure to treat skin related problems. To more about the dermal filler procedure, you can check this link fillers help to smoothen the deep wrinkles lines and also improve the appearance of the skin. 


There are many intrinsic and extrinsic factors that cause skin related problems. Dermal fillers are remedies approved by the FDA and made with a number of all-natural substances already found inside the body. It helps to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles and stimulate collagen production.

Sculptra – Sculptra supplies injectable poly-L-lactic acid that offers subtle and high-quality long-term consequences for patients. It gradually replaces missing hydration to give skin a uniform and natural look. 

Botox – Botox is a drug that frizzes the muscles.  It is injected into the skin to smoothen facial folds and wrinkles. Botox was the initial dermal filler for FDA approval and was safe and effective for all different skin tone and skin types. 

Restylane- Restylane is a very effective treatment to lessen the traces between the forehead and nasolabial folds. It is another hydration stimulant. In Restylane treatment, the hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin to restore the volume to facial features.

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