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Dress Up Your Home With a Faux Fur Rug

Posted by: | Posted on: December 2, 2021

Faux fur can simply be described as fake fur. Faux, which is French for "not real", is pronounced the same as the word "foe". Faux fur is now a popular alternative for real fur. It was once considered cheap and only for the lower classes. 

However, faux fur rugs has become a fashion statement. The quality of faux fur rugs has also improved over the years. Acrylic furs without skid backings look just like real fur. They are luxurious and gorgeous. 

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The fabrics can be printed in any color and almost mimic real fur. Faux fur garments can be used to provide warmth in winter, providing the necessary padding and lining.

Faux fur rugs can be made from the most luxurious and sensual fabrics. These rugs are beautiful and brighten any space. They come in all kinds of prints. For your living room, you can use a furry sheepskin rug or a printed ocelot rug. 

A zebra print rug is great for the bathroom. A Mongolian lamb area rug is even better. It's luxurious and functional. The 100% acrylic rug is extremely soft and machine washable. This rug will add a contemporary touch to your living space. You can even search online for more information about faux fur rugs.

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