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How Does Physical Therapy Help A Stroke Patient?

Posted by: | Posted on: December 17, 2021

Approximately half a million people who have a stroke survive each year with minor and major disabilities that require rehabilitation. Initially, rehabilitation could be carried out in hospitals. However, these inpatient therapies would be expensive, as the patient would also have to pay for accommodation costs. 

In most cases, after a stroke patient has regained sufficient strength or has been declared fit to go home, it is recommended that stroke physical therapy be performed on an outpatient basis. While clinics and medical facilities like Chesapeake Bay physical therapy offer physical therapy services for these stroke patients, in recent years gyms have also incorporated such services into their menus to provide a more "conventional" atmosphere to a stroke patient and help lift your spirits.

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Physiotherapy involves treating the motor and sensory deficits suffered by stroke patients. The task of a physical therapist is to develop a rehabilitation plan that specifically takes into account the strength, endurance and disability of the patient so that he can regain control of his motor functions in the shortest time and in the most convenient program. 

It is important that a physical therapist is always aware of the programs and exercises that his patient performs. Not doing the correct exercises could harm the patient rather than help him or her recover. 

The goal of any physical therapy program for stroke patients is always to improve the quality of life of the patient and to make him cope with the demands of daily life to the best of his ability. Although some patients may not be able to regain the use of certain parts of the body, undergoing physical therapy will allow you to live and function more effectively.


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