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Israel Tourism – How to Keep It Safe

Posted by: | Posted on: July 11, 2019

Israeli tourism is one of the most extraordinary experiences a person can go through. There is nothing like this extraordinary Mediterranean country, a magical blend of religion, nature, nightlife, and all the fun that can be imagined in the minds of modern tourists.

Still, many people find themselves wanting to visit Israel but are somewhat afraid of their personal safety and security. Well, don't be afraid anymore! Even though Israel is indeed a star in the evening news, visiting Israel is not much different from other holiday trips.

Crime rates in Israel are much much lower than other countries around the world and the rest is pretty much noise and bad publicity. Israel's first goal is to protect its citizens and the state security is top-notch, perhaps the best in the world. Top Travel Agency In Israel, Israel Tours and Israel Vacation offer full-service assistance for all your journeys.

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Go with the group?

• Make sure your tour provider considers your personal safety. Group guidelines must be up-to-date with important updates received from officials.

• All flights and baggage transfers must be carried out under the supervision of Israeli security personnel.

• Tours are limited to approved and safe locations. The same applies to bus routes.

• Make sure the driver and guide carry the cellphone at any time.

• Buses must be checked before boarding and never left alone. A more thorough examination must be carried out every morning.

• Booking and sleeping arrangements are limited to famous hotel chains.

• Armed security was available on request.


Israeli summer is very hot. Remember to drink plenty of water on an Israeli tour and always bring enough water with you.

• Plan carefully and do not venture to unknown places.

• Know local emergency telephone numbers.

• Make a copy of your documentation (including passport, airplane ticket, etc …) and keep it in a safe place or upload information online.

Israel is extraordinary and you will have fun on a tour of your Holy Land. There is no point in giving up a dream tour of Israel for security reasons. Remember that if you see a lot of police and military personnel walking – not because there is a threat, it's because there isn't. And that is what the Israelites want.

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