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Reasons to Use Social Media in Business

Posted by: | Posted on: February 22, 2020

Social media isn't about directly advertising; it's about building relationships and trust with your clients and potential clients. It's important to create and contribute to conversations, share useful tips and share your blog articles. Give people a reason to 'Know, Like and Trust' you, and be consistent.

If you're not actively using social media, you are missing out on a big opportunity to network and put yourself in front of your ideal clients. You can click to find out more about the leading social media marketing company in Canberra.

Image Source: Google

Not only that but if you impress your fans/followers/connections, they may share your content and status updates with their friends, allowing you to reach many more people. Ideally, it would be great to have your presence everywhere, on every social network, but that may not be necessary, depending on your business.

If you're targeting business and corporate professionals, you may only need a LinkedIn profile. It may be harder to find and connect with those people on Facebook or Twitter.

  • If you're targeting parents or young adults, you'll generally have better luck on Facebook (and maybe Twitter) than you would on LinkedIn.
  • If you have a very visual business (eg. Food industry, fashion, design, flowers), you would definitely want to consider Pinterest and Facebook.
  • Studies have shown Google+ (G+) users to be 70% male and primarily of the technology profession.
  • There is conflicting information on Twitter user statistics, but it is popular amongst businesses and celebrities because of the ease of self-promotion.

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