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Some Types of Cladding Material

Posted by: | Posted on: March 25, 2020

Cladding is an essential element to protect your home from natural disasters and bad weather. Wall Cladding also helps you to maintain the artistic look of your home. 

Cladding is available with a wide choice of material, horizontally or vertically size and shape of wooden board are in great demand.

Cladding is available in different types, colors, patterns it not only will protect your home, but also give a pleasant look. In Thailand, Maxis Wood company provides different types of material used for cladding.

Some types of Cladding material are as follows:

Wood: As we all know that wood is a natural product and there are different kinds of wood used. It has a long life and has a natural look and renewable sources.

Engineered wood: This component consists of a mixture of wood and some glue to make panels and boards.

Vinyl / PVC: This building material consists of polyvinyl chloride. There are different patterns and qualities available for these building materials.

Metal: This type of metal products are available in steel and aluminum and have good durability. It has low maintenance therefore, within your budget and can be recycled.

As we are all aware, how cladding is important but one should study it in detail to know and gain its benefits. Take your time and choose the best cladding for your home.

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