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automotive paint

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Posted by: | Posted on: November 5, 2020

How to Maintain the Shine on Your Car Paint Job

When buying a car, color is the biggest choice! While there are many options, these are the main factors that can help you decide which one suits you best and matches your sense of style. Black is a bestseller, but silver sometimes has more of a flair. Red is hot and white can be conservative, it's up to you.

If you want to get automotive paint supplies, then you may consider Panelstore.

However, the elements can destroy the sustainability of the original brilliance of this important investment. Once a car loses its color, its value decreases and it never looks the same again. Here are some tips and tricks on how to get this paint, keep the environment from ruining your paint job, and fix the damage you've already done!

There are many types of vehicle coatings such as enamel, matte finish, acrylic, etc. Unfortunately, regardless of the finish, the paint on your car is still environmentally friendly. Always use a preventive maintenance program for protection.

The sun emits ultraviolet light which affects the sheen of the coating and, because the metal retains heat, can cause permanent stains. The only way around this is to use protective seals and coatings.

Air pollutants are your next problem as they turn into nitric and sulfuric acids which will eventually settle in your car and devour the paint. To fix this, keep your car clean by washing it regularly. The landing gear must be equipped with a protective coating to solve this problem.

When your car is clean, dirty areas don't allow moisture to build up and cause corrosion. By washing under pressure after or during winter, you can remove excess salt and dirt from the body of your car while giving it a shiny, clean look and reducing the risk of rust problems.