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Best Tile and Stone Flooring

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Posted by: | Posted on: August 9, 2021

How To Install Flooring Tiles

For home improvement, employing contractors just to install tiles for the floor is inappropriate. It's also true when you deal with small rooms. So before wasting money rather than your real renovation needs here are my guide on how to install tiles:

  • Prepare the floor

Clean the ground floor. Make sure the floor is free from dirt, oil. Clean with chemicals that are safe, we can use detergent. You can navigate to this website to buy the best flooring tiles for your house.

  • Floor smooth.

Remove any unnecessary places that can appear via floor tiles so that they damage their appearance.

  • Find the center of the room

To find the center of the room, the first sign of the center of the wall. Ignore every offset or deviation. Discover the center of the East Wall and West Wall, then make the line start from the middle of the east wall to reach the west wall. Do the same for the north and south walls. 

  • Check what you have done

Start by putting loose tiles on the guide you just created. Starting from the center of the room then follow your footsteps until you reach the wall. The distance between tiles and the wall should not be less than 2 inches or more than 8 inches. 

  • Apply cement tiles

Follow your tile cement product instructions. Spread the cement or adhesive layer at a quarter of the floor. Use a shovel, brush, or roller notched for this step. Most of the cement will dry for about 15 minutes but it still varies depending on the temperature and humidity in the room you apply tiles. 

  • Laying tiles

Start putting the tile in the middle of your sign. The first tile must be square with a line. All other tiles will line up improperly if the first tile is wrong. Don't slide the tile into place. Make sure the tiles are filled strongly and don't have a gap. Place the tile according to your pattern. Lie as an alternative towards each wall.