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Commercial Security Guard Services

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Posted by: | Posted on: June 9, 2022

Commercial Security Guard Services In London

Security and access to your property are two different concepts. Today's tenants need to be able to work long hours and have access to their properties. The building must be able to allow tenants to work when they want. 

You can also opt for the services from professional security guard agencies in London. Here are some checklists that will help you manage your property. This checklist will help you with any building inspections that you may need to conduct as a property owner, or as a leasing agent.

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  • Security and keys for building access are vital. A master key system should be in place for all properties. The master key system must also include the tenancies. This allows the property manager to have emergency access in case the building has problems or the tenant requires it.

  • Modern properties require that tenants have access to the property even after hours. Each property must have an after-hours access point and a clear entry strategy. The entry point must be secure and safe no matter what time it is. Tenants must feel secure when they enter and leave the building, even at night.

  • The Tenancy Security system stands out. These systems are tailored to each tenant's needs and allow them to access their floor and the entryway. Each tenant must be able limit access times and to provide access for specific individuals. Security access can be granted or modified if someone leaves the business or becomes employed.