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Compression Molding

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 26, 2021

The Impact of Compression Molding

Since the birth of compression molding many years ago, part design and analysis has been somewhat of a "black art" where experience, manufacturing processes, and many trade secrets have been developed and perfected over the years to eventually make the creation of molded parts an extremely popular, efficient, and effective way of manufacturing a number of plastic products.  

It is interesting to note that before advanced plastics were able to be molded it was still possible to use the basic idea of molding in the baking industry for creating cookies and cakes. Since 1907, when Leo Baekeland invented the first plastic mold, he used the primitive compression machine and formaldehyde resin and steam. 

Compression molding has evolved and expanded to become the essential manufacturing process that it is today. You can get more information regarding compression molding online.

Compression moulding rubber, advantages & disadvantages

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The Benefits and Cons of Compression Molding

It is undeniable that the benefits outweigh any drawbacks. The manufacturing techniques are still used in many industries today, whether it is for large or small parts, components, or entire products.


  • Fast set up a time
  • Low initial setup costs
  • Capable to produce large parts that are not possible with other extrusion techniques
  • Allows for the mold of large and small intricate parts
  • Good surface finish
  • Wastes little material
  • You can use thermoplastics with unidirectional tapes and woven fabrics.

This molding method results in fewer knitting lines and lower fiber-length degradation than other methods like injection molding.