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Crystal Chandelier

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Posted by: | Posted on: January 8, 2021

Make Sure You Buy The Right Sized Crystal Chandelier

Crystal chandeliers are no longer the secret accessory of only interior designers and lighting specialists to create a profitable dramatic impression for your home. 

Thousands of owners perform online purchases each year and traditionally for these luminaires to add style, class, and value to their homes. You can also use sleek island chandelier lighting from for the elegance of your home. 

If you buy online, you will be bombarded by a variety of styles and choices. Even if you have already understood which room of your home you will install, knowing that the size crystal chandelier to buy has a problem alone. 

These tips must guide you to make sure you buy the correct size chandelier for your particular room.

Living room

The installation of a crystal chandelier in a living room is a popular choice for the owners. The key here is to choose a chandelier of 20 to 30% of the width of your living room.

Entrance path

Some people prefer to place their chandeliers in their entrance hall creating a favorable impression when guests and visitors enter their homes. After measuring your hall, choose an appliance from 30 to 40% of its width.

Dining room

If you plan to put the crystal chandelier in your dining room, another popular option, the size of your table will help you determine the size of a chandelier you will need. 

If you have a table of six people, select a cluster from 18 to 24 inches wide; For an eight-person table, you will be better served by selecting a device from 24 to 30 inches wide; And for a table of 10 to 12 people from more than 10 to 12 people, are you looking for crystal lighting from 30 to 42 inches wide.