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Posted by: | Posted on: January 13, 2022

The Homeschooling – How To Establish A Curriculum

Making an educational program plan for homeschooled kids is crucial and can be a bit daunting. It's not that challenging, however. There are many complete and inexpensive sources available and the majority of the work is completed for you already. You can also buy Complete Curriculum Workbooks for Students by Ordering them Online.

You should be organized with topics you'll need to cover. Be aware that the list will be different for children and middle school students. Kindergarteners and preschoolers learn in shapes, letters, numbers, and colors. 

Grammar school students are taught Math, Reading, Writing Arts, History music, and Science. Life abilities, advanced math, special science, and other classes are offered for middle and high school.

Check your state's standards

There are standards that are used across the country, but be sure you read your state's standards for the education of every "grade" that you enroll students in. Search for the State's Department of Education. 

When you're on the site, you can search for "science standards," as well as "math requirements," and other subjects.

For instance, I'm located in Colorado and have two children in the fourth grade of math. Colorado's website lists these skills: Colorado website lists these abilities:

— Fractions and whole numbers (What are they? What do they mean?)

— Number order and place value (What where does the number 4 come from? Are it units, tens, hundreds, or thousands? Which is the bigger number? Which is greater?)

— Make use of numbers to measure, count, and organize. (How long is the piece of paper? Who is the fifth person in the line?)