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forensic video analysis experts

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Posted by: | Posted on: June 9, 2020

How Computer Forensic Helps In Litigation Support?

Some litigation support services offer computer forensics as a service to law firms. This field is growing as businesses and consumers alike conduct business and personal transactions on computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. 

In law cases, digital evidence is often stored on electronic devices. Sometimes the evidence readily available to anyone who looks while other times, the evidence may be hidden or "wiped clean." Either way, 3-In-1 forensic video analysis software experts can provide the litigation support that you need by going in and finding evidence.

video software

If you have a hard drive, flash drive, CD, DVD, digital camera, or other media devices that may contain evidence, it is important to know where to look. 

For example, if you work on divorce cases and suspects that a digital camera containing explicit photos, leisurely look at the camera memory card may not produce results.

After all, the image may have been deleted to avoid discovery. However, litigation support services offering computer forensics has the expertise and tools to "delete" a file.

  • Electronic Proof Type

Many forms of electronic evidence, including photos, videos, email messages, text messages, instant messaging, word processing documents, spreadsheets, and internet files. Using computer forensics utilities and engineering, computer experts can provide litigation support you need to explore and find data.

  • Computer Forensics Certification

Certification program validates the certificate holder expertise in computer investigations. Many existing programs ranging from general certification as a Certified Computer Forensic Examiner and Certified Electronic Evidence Collection Specialist for vendor certifications such as choice-e Certification and Access Data Certified Examiner. 

As with other forms of evidence, a chain of custody practices are as important as the evidence itself. Choosing a certified forensic computer expert help to ensure that the evidence collected, documented, and is secured by means acceptable to the court.