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Posted by: | Posted on: August 26, 2020

Residential Glass Replacement Needs Expertise Work

The first thing to consider is years of experience. There is a huge difference between an open customer and a satisfied customer of 15 years when it comes to glass companies. Consistency and known history are important.

Then ask about the crew's experiences. Are you licensed? Are there good relationships between experienced crew members and apprentices? Experience means that your crew has seen it all and knows how to deal with the unexpected. You can search the web to hire a professional with the experience you can trust.

This is important because every project includes a residential stained glass window project. Wouldn't you rather replace the glass on your shower screen with someone who knows what to do when you come across an unusual construction?

If you haven't asked your friends and family if they recently worked on changing the glass and how the project is going. Good companies often receive word of mouth from satisfied customers.

On the other hand, if your friends and family have had a bad experience with a certain company, you'll want to know too. It's better to know ahead of time than to fix the problem because you weren't negligent in your search.

Ask about waiting times and warranty. A reliable and reputable glass replacement company should have no problem providing you with an honest and reasonable explanation of the turnaround and it should be fully guaranteed that it will work. And here be careful and compare carefully – not all guarantees are created equal!

Finally, take a look at the testimonials of your two or three best options for your home glass replacement project.