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Marine speakers

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Posted by: | Posted on: September 10, 2021

Marine Speakers – A Brief Overview

Marine speakers are among some of the company's best offerings. Marine is a well-known brand for automotive audio equipment, loved and respected by casual users and audiophiles alike. 

Besides making speakers and audio equipment for cars, Infinity also produces an entire range of audio devices for boats. You can also buy 10 inch marine speakers via

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Marine speakers are typically affordable, deliver great performance, and can withstand the elements as any good marine speaker should.

When buying marine speakers, the most important thing you should look for is their durability. While any speakers can work well on a boat , the constant exposure to water and the sun makes it imperative that the speakers be water and weather resistant to a high degree. 

Most buyers tend to go by the number of watts offered by a system, which is essentially a useless number unless the speaker can actually deliver clear audio and render a large range of frequencies.

Marine speakers range in reference 6912m 6×9-inch 105-watt. Priced much lower than the 612m, the 6912m has lower power but does not compromise on quality. 

The audio reproduction is still top-notch, and the speakers are more than capable of handling a wide range of frequencies. Like the 612m, these speakers are water and UV-resistant to a high degree. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to the 612m, then the 6912m would be perfect for your boat.

Marine speakers include the Wakeboard 6000m 150-watt tower speaker system, which is terribly expensive but delivers an unparalleled performance.