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Microbial Fertilizers

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Posted by: | Posted on: September 25, 2019

What Are Microbial Fertilizers?

Microbial fertilizers were non-toxic and harmless to contain many biologically active microbes cultured and produced by certain microbes Filter. It does not pollute the environment. Certain microorganisms can promote plant growth by increasing the supply of plant nutrients.

Microbial fertilizer is defined as the natural product of microbial inoculant comprises active or bacteria, algae, fungus or biological compound that can help to benefit from the soil and plants. 

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These fertilizers are not harmful to the environment such as chemical fertilizers. It comes from a plant or animal waste along with a mix of microbes.

Microorganisms are used to increase the level of absorption of nutrients by plants and restore the biodiversity of the land. Bio-fertilizers allow plants to grow in a healthy environment in which it did not cause any pollution.

As for applying microbial fertilizer, it is fundamental that the function of microbial fertilizer can be realized only when the roots of plants or seeds are fully achieved by the microorganisms of microbial fertilizers, and that it is effective only if the microorganisms decompose organic matter organic touch. When applying fertilizer to the soil microbes, the effect will be seen more quickly when mixed with organic and inorganic nutrients or substances attached (such as peat).

Microbial fertilizer often does not come with a chemical content as it will destroy microbial populations off or lowering down the microbes are available. However, the real strong fertilizer, population and the number of CFU microbes are always at the optimum level.