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Posted by: | Posted on: June 13, 2023

How To Prepare For A Mold Inspection Process

Mold can be a serious problem in any home, but it is important to get to the root of the issue and fix it the right way. A mold inspection is the first step to identifying the source of a mold problem. Here's what you should know about how to prepare for a mold inspection.

Preparing for a Mold Inspection

When it comes to preparing for mold testing, there are a few important steps to take. First, it's important to make sure the inspector has easy access to the areas of your home you suspect may have a mold problem. This means clearing any items or furniture that may be blocking the inspection site.

Second, it's important to air out the area before the inspection begins. Open all windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and reduce the humidity levels in the space. This will help the inspector get a better idea of the conditions that could be contributing to the mold growth.

Third, it's important to provide the inspector with any information they may need. This could include details about recent renovations or plumbing issues that may have occurred in the area. This information can help the inspector determine the source of mold growth and the best way to address it.


A mold inspection is the first step to addressing a mold problem in your home. By taking the time to prepare for the inspection and knowing what to expect during the process, you can ensure that the inspection is conducted properly and the results are accurate.

Posted by: | Posted on: June 6, 2022

Importance of Mold Inspection in Homes and Offices

Almost everyone would agree that the internal environment within the home or the office is critical for the health and well-being of occupants. According to several reports, most people spend more than 90% of their time either at home or within the confines of the office. 

Thus, the quality of air within the interiors has a direct impact on the overall health of the occupants. One of the most commonly occurring biological contaminants within the home is mold. Mold is microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye, but it can trigger several health problems including asthma attacks, allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and so on. 

Thus, if mold becomes apparent to the eye or if unexplained health problems have been dogging the occupants, it is necessary to get a mold inspection done. You can get the best mold inspection service for your home or office at BREATHE CLEAN AGAIN.

Should You Get A Mold Inspection When Buying A House? - Waypoint Inspection

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Comprehensive mold inspection and an indoor air quality analysis can provide indications of mold and also give sufficient information about the need for mold removal. Mold inspection has other benefits too. Experts in the field can also identify areas of mold infestation. 

For instance, it is possible that an existing leakage is leading to the proliferation of mold, or mold growth could quietly be invading the crawl spaces within the home. A specialist can find the cause and the factors leading to the growth of mold quickly and easily. 

Finding issues such as these and implementing a solution for them in time can prevent the proliferation of mold. 

Mold inspection must only be carried out by a certified professional who has sufficient experience in testing and inspection.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 16, 2019

Mold Testing – Elimination Is Essential

Homeowners and buyers should also consider professional mold testing if they see allergic symptoms related to the room or area at home. And while fungi may be a problem traditionally associated with older homes, new homes are also risky. That's because the new construction building involves Mold Clearance and Testing in Houston  is designed to be airtight for energy efficiency, but this limits the air flow inside the wall. This makes the fungus more likely to grow if moisture becomes trapped in the structure of the house.

Image result for mold inspector

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If the fungus is not visible, occupants of the house may see moldy or musty odors, which are often an indicator of moisture problems.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, mold testing must follow the guidelines set by the American Industrial Hygiene Association, the United States Conference on Industrial Health. A professional will test the home for fungi and spores and identify water sources that lead to fungal growth. Not only does the mold need to be thoroughly cleaned by a professional remediate, but it also has to eliminate the water source. When ignoring this step, mushrooms will continue to grow without stopping even after being removed. And often, fungal growth can show serious structural problems in the home, including problems with the foundation.

Homeowner printing tests are a good way to determine whether renovations and repairs are needed to remove mold, especially in the case of clear water damage. When the presence of mold is unclear, the expertise of a mold repair specialist is recommended for a complete inspection of your home.