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physiotherapy sydney

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Posted by: | Posted on: November 19, 2021

How Physiotherapy Can Help In Recovering From Total Hip Replacement Surgery In Sydney?

Total hip replacement has grown to become a fairly routine operation aimed at alleviating the pain symptoms brought about by hip arthritis and is widely considered as one of the medical procedures that give the most improvement when it comes to easing discomfort and pain.

This procedure is usually performed on the elderly, although surgery is not uncommon in younger people, especially athletes. However, a complete hip replacement is only part of what needs to be done to stay healthy again. You can easily get the physical therapy in Sydney online

Many patients still have some degree of discomfort because they did not undergo physical therapy after surgery.

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A patient with hip osteoarthritis often experiences significant pain and damage in the joint area prior to surgery. Depending on how long the joint has been pressed, the surrounding tissues and muscles can change, which will determine the type of postoperative care the patient receives.

The natural response to muscle pain and weakness is to use it less or to completely immobilize it. This often results in the patient losing the ability to move the joint until it stops moving.

In the case of the hip joint, it is important that the patient regain the ability to move in various areas after hip replacement surgery. Physiotherapy is often a painful process, and the phrase "no pain, no gain" is apt.

If the patient wishes to perform daily tasks such as walking, getting up, climbing stairs, and running, physical therapy should not be neglected.