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san antonio inspection

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Posted by: | Posted on: November 10, 2020

Go For Licensed Home Inspectors In San Antonio

A few house inspection businesses (names withheld to protect the guilty) can do just about anything from paying big amounts of money.

Normally in the shape of dozens of donuts catered into the regional real estate offices through the city, outings into the ballpark, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, etc. You can choose the best licensed real estate inspector in San Antonio through the internet.

Advantages of Hiring Home Inspector - Add Crazy

By serving in the interests of our clients (you the home buyer) and doing a great job, each and every time.

You may see such similar prose written on our marketing materials and plastered across our trucks.

But reality is much simpler than that and can be boiled down to a few simple words that everyone can recognize, the most successful home inspectors don't kill deals.

You have probably not been introduced to this concept little grasshopper, a concept that lives and breathes within the wheels of our free-market capitalism.

You see, if inspectors are not careful in how we present our results of the home inspection, the buyer could get cold feet and walk. Wait a sec. Deal killers ain't no good for nobody.

The buyer gets to select from the cream of the crop by getting into a home that they can be proud of with minimal defects. The agent still gets their commission it just takes a little longer.

And that leaves us, the lowly home inspector. We are protected from liability because a happy homeowner is a non-litigious homeowner.