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Posted by: | Posted on: April 25, 2020

How to Create Your Social Media Strategy

Social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great tools to use for your business. To attract your ideal clients, there's one thing you need to know about social media for business and the very same rule that it uses which also applies to traditional marketing.

You can also browse online to know about the best social media services in Canberra.

Image Source: Google

Here are some things which you need to do before starting a social media marketing service:

  • Define your business objective
  • Describe your products and services
  • List your business outcomes
  • Define your target market (include what type of content they would need)
  • Determine what social channels your target market accesses

Now that you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, what products or services you want to promote online, your ideal client or customers, and where you can find them online, you can start drafting your social media strategy.

Blog – This is a must-have. Having a blog allows you to communicate with your target market on a regular basis by publishing valuable content.

Microblogs – What is a microblog anyway? It's a web service that allows you to post content that is typically shorter. One example is Twitter (your text is limited to 140 characters). Microblogging helps you to create a buzz about your business.

Video-Sharing – Your potential clients/customers use YouTube and other sites to find "how-to" videos. While some people love to read articles, some prefer to watch videos. Use this to your advantage to let your target market know about you and your business.