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Posted by: | Posted on: February 14, 2020

Tamper Evident Cash Deposit Bags

For those of us who are not the owner of the restaurant, banking professionals, or armored car guards tamper-evident security bags may not have much meaning.

However, they are used every day, several times a day, almost every organization responsible for the safety and security of cash and valuables them on the way to the bank.

Back in the old days, banks and professional armed transporting cash and valuables using some form of money deposit bags.


Imagine an old school western film where robbers looted the train and threw a cloth sack on a horse and ride them into the sunset. These bags, though sturdy, have their limitations in providing protection for valuables in transit.

As technology advanced so did the security criminals used to expose them? This is where the use of a single plastic tamper-evident security bags came into being. They come in different sizes, colors, thickness, design, and manufacturing. But the majority of the security bag is very similar and offers a comparable tamper-evident feature which proved to be effective and reliable.

A cash security bag is a tamper-evident bag which incorporates a number of a special safety feature that allows the user to detect when the security bag has been opened or tampered with. There are different levels of security for tamper-evident bags depending on their destination would be used for.

Primary and secondary level security bags are designed for the transfer of cash from the till at the end of their shift to an office manager or office safe. High-level security bags used for the third party pick up, such as when a courier with money or valuables from the business to a safe location.