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Posted by: | Posted on: November 18, 2019

Why Baby Teeth Care Is Important

It is a sobering reality that child tooth decay is a disease of children which can be prevented. Yes, you read that right. tooth decay in children is more prevalent than other types of health conditions. There are many reasons and causes this. Parents, especially new parents want to give their children the delicious food and drinks, most of which are loaded with sugar. In an effort to avoid angry over a meal, parents give their children food and beverages that may have a delicious flavor, but have less than the ideal amount of nutrients. You can find Becalm Baby Teething Mitten online. 

The importance of baby teeth

Another one of the biggest reasons many children get cavities are misconceptions about the importance of baby teeth and their care.

baby teeth, also called primary teeth, began to grow around three months. At the age of two, children will have all their baby teeth. It was at this time that the pediatric dentists recommend parents bring their children to his first dental checkup and teeth cleaning. The primary teeth begin to fall out around age six. The last of the baby teeth fall around the age of 12. From the age of two years and 12 years, parents and then their children, assuming the baby teeth have become unimportant. This kind of thinking has led to the thought that baby teeth are not important because they will fall anyways. What is the purpose of taking care of them?

This wrong thinking has helped contribute to the prevalence of child tooth decay. When the children were fed food with sugar, are allowed to go to bed with a bottle of milk and do not have their teeth brushed regularly, plaque, germs and bacteria thrive.