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Video Testimonials

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Posted by: | Posted on: March 23, 2022

Video Testimonial on Your Website – Is It Effective?

YouTube is considered the second largest search engine after Google mainly catering to video entertainment. The number of people who visit YouTube is growing every day, and new users are being drawn to it.

Undoubtedly, it has come out as a new tactic to increase profit and benefits for both businesses and customers. In all these marketing strategies what comes out as the best tactic for online business is written testimonials and video testimonials by customers. 

A written testimonial from a customer acts directly on the viewer's mind so imagine what a video testimonial can do. Who cares if the person is real or hired but a video message has much more power than the text version. You can look for the testimonial video examples online via

How To Collect Video Testimonials?

Image Source: Google

With this, you can actually see them, hear them and get an actual sense of how one feels about the product or service. A video testimonial is found to be more credible than a written one, as, in the video, viewers can judge and feel by one's expression. 

Whereas, in written testimonials, the reader might not be able to generate those feelings that one develops by seeing and hearing them.

The number of video testimonials will decide the credibility it will bring to your business. Testimonial on website acts as a marketing tool for you to bring personal experience and guide about the product to new customers.

So, make sure whenever you find a happy satisfied customer do ask them to give you positive feedback via video testimonials.