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Posted by: | Posted on: April 21, 2022

What Is The Difference Between Web Design And Web Development?

You may have come across the terms web design and web development and are not sure what they mean – this article explains what web development is, as well as how to distinguish between them.

Web design is the process of creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website. It includes designing the layout, graphics, and content of the website. Web development is the process of creating the web pages, programs, and systems that make up a website. 

It includes coming up with an idea for a site, developing the design, coding it, testing it, and making sure it works as intended. You can also look for the best web design services in Milwaukee from

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Types Of Web Designers

There are many types of web designers, but the most common are front-end designers and back-end designers. A front-end designer creates the graphical elements of a website, such as a logo, layout, and graphics. Back-end designers create the code that makes everything work, from the database to the user interface. 

There is no one right way to be a web designer; you can be a visual designer or a developer, or even a mix of both. However, there are some general skills that good web designers should have.

First and foremost, good web designers need to be able to design beautiful and functional websites. They should also be able to take an idea and turn it into a reality, whether it’s conceptualizing a new website or creating a complete overhaul of an existing one. 

Additionally, good web designers need to be skilled in typography and layout design. They should know how to use CSS and HTML to create attractive and responsive websites.