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The Revolutionary College Safety App

Posted by: | Posted on: September 25, 2020

Maybe you have been in a situation where you see a crime occurring in a location but understand that if you called the police they won't arrive in the location in time? Or perhaps you'd been in a circumstance where there was a crisis which had happened and you're attempting to get in contact with the relevant crises but they simply don't appear to respond. You can learn more about safety app-related then you may search on google about student protection apps.

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Perhaps your situation could differ, you've gone out with friends and would love to return home but you understand you're now alone. It might not be safe for you to return home alone and you're in desperate need of an expert escort that will take you home. 

A lot of people have been in these scenarios and much more in our own lives. There has a time in our lives once we believe we would need some essential solutions that we will need to be available more quickly. 

We're a revolutionary technology that's likely to specify how folks get access to crisis services; we've recently launched a school safety app that will help deliver these essential services nearer to the individuals. We're convinced that will be a radical technology that's likely to alter how people perceive technology and its impact on safety.

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