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Who should wear daily disposable contacts?

Posted by: | Posted on: September 4, 2019

You've probably seen TV commercials or Internet ads for disposable lenses. Are disposable contacts safe? Are they the best choice for you? What else is available in terms of contact lenses? The information below will give you a general idea of disposable contact lenses.

Disposable lenses are also called "replacement lenses". Most people who wear soft contact lenses of all types have a replacement program or another. This may be more or less frequent depending on the type of lens prescribed, but the daily use lenses for daily use are discarded and replaced daily. These lenses can be bought online through or they can also be bought from a nearby store.

Some disposable lenses are worn and replaced daily, and other disposable lenses are designed to be worn continuously for several days, and then discarded and replaced.

After reading the information above, you are probably more familiar with Disposable corrective lenses. By looking at all the advantages and disadvantages of lens, you can start to get an idea of the type of lens that suits you best. Several factors help to determine which type of contact lens is best for you. In the end, the decision will be made between you and your eye care professional.

People who have difficulty meeting daily routines, people who have very little time for personal care and hygiene, and people with very susceptible eyes to infections should consider wearing disposable daily lenses.

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