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Why SCV Is Important To The Success Of Digital Transformation In The Insurance Sector?

Posted by: | Posted on: January 22, 2020

Single Customer View (SCV) is a 'holistic' representation of the organization's main asset. These assets can be customers, products, accounts, policies, suppliers, inventory, equipment, etc.

For B2C industries such as insurance, retail, and banking, SCV is very important to understand their markets.

For B2B industries such as manufacturing, SCV can help create a gold record for 'machinery and equipment to inform the life cycle management and operations. If you want to know more about unified customer view then you can search various online sources.

In essence, apart from the assets, it speaks to, SCV enables companies to better understand their assets, manage them efficiently and effectively leveraged to drive growth and profitability.

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Some organizations seem to have been able to apply SCV to succeed, let alone exploit the maximum potential.

Furthermore, as a business and technology has developed rapidly, the context of the SCV has been reshaped to take on new meaning and purpose in the era of digital transformation and omnichannel customer experience.

Intelligent digital, time of famine and information-hungry customers today demand experience and not just goods and services.

They asked the company to support their standalone purchase trip with tools for evaluation and comparison. At the same time, they expect the business to understand the context of their delivery and personalized service.

Customers are now demanding that these expectations are supported in a consistent and convenient across multiple channels and touchpoints. They also hope the business to enable them to switch channels while they progress in their journey.

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