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How Long Does Braces Treatment Typically Last?

Posted by: | Posted on: November 8, 2023

Braces treatment is a process of straightening teeth and correcting malocclusion by using braces. The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the misalignment and the age of the patient. Generally, braces treatment can take anywhere between 18 months to three years. If you want to know more about braces treatment, you can explore this link.

Factors Affecting Treatment Length: The duration of braces treatment varies from patient to patient, depending on several factors. The type of braces used, patient compliance, complexity of the case, and the age of the patient are the main factors that affect the treatment length. 

Types of Braces: Metal braces typically have a longer treatment time than clear ceramic braces or lingual braces. This is because metal braces are more durable and therefore can be adjusted more quickly, allowing for faster straightening.

Patient Compliance: Treatment time can be affected by the patient’s compliance with wearing the braces as prescribed. If the patient does not wear the braces as directed, the treatment may take longer.

Complexity of Case: Complex cases, such as cases with severe misalignment, take longer to treat than cases with minor misalignment. This is because the more severe the misalignment, the more braces need to be adjusted, and the more time it takes to get the desired result.

Age of the Patient: Younger patients typically have shorter treatment times than older patients, since their bones are still growing and can be adjusted more easily. Older patients may take longer to see results, as their bones are more rigid and require more adjustments.

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