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Introducing LastSwab The Environmentally-Friendly, Reusable Q Tip

Posted by: | Posted on: August 18, 2021

We use more than 500 billion one-time-use cotton swabs worldwide and are thrown into the trash every day. About 10% of them are washed in toilets and end up in the ocean, where they severely pollute our natural environment and injure aquatic animals.

At Last Object, we have the solution in our hands and we consider that impediment is more helpful than cure, which is why we are dedicated to fighting the production of one-time-use plastic products. Our mission is to reduce avoidable plastic utilization and offer an environmentally friendly and even more efficient alternative.

LastSwab vs EarthSider Review & How to Avoid Zero-Waste Greenwashing Tilted Map

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LastSwab is made of high-quality, flexible,  and safe materials. LastSwab is gentle on the skin and ideal for everyday use. With one version for general use and another for beauty, the durable material is easy to clean and ensures that it will last long enough to lose your number!

Nothing to lose:

At first glance, innocent little product, cotton swabs actually cause a vital ecological footprint – and all that is worth about 30 seconds. Take LastSwab and replace 1000 single-use plastic swabs.

Easy to clean:

LastSwab is 100% hygienic. Just rinse with soap and warm water or a few pieces of disinfectant. Once dry, store in a bio-carrying bag until next use and one less tampon at sea!

Done to the end:

The innovative design offers a balance between soft sensing tips, which are suitable for use on sensitive body parts, and durable materials that will stand the test of time. With up to 1000 tampon uses, it really doesn't get any better than LastSwab!

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