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Where Does Our Food Come From In Australia

Posted by: | Posted on: April 10, 2020

Provide food education to the next generation using a uniquely designed food school program in Australia. I have become very concerned about the foods that I consume, namely specifically what is in them and where they are produced. 

To educate myself on this matter, I created some data collection forms and set up to read the nutrition labels of many popular foods at my local grocery store. To get more information about where does the food comes from you can visit

Where Does Our Food Come

Image Source: Google

I first examined processed foods and their levels of processed sugar, fat, sodium, and additives, which I could not pronounce or know what they were. I was not surprised to find that many of the items in this group had high amounts of processed sugar, fat, and sodium. 

The amount of toxins in our food is increasing our waistline. Major surgery is equivalent to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. 

Are we being poisoned to keep pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry in business? Apart from what is in our food, I got some information which was even more dangerous for me. 

Examining the hamburger in the aisle of fresh meat in small letters on the food label, the hamburger stated that it was a product of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. 

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