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Posted by: | Posted on: June 12, 2020

Driving Theory Test And Practical Test Advice

Drivers prepare thoroughly for the DSA test and want to pass the test confidently. When drivers prepare for the theory and practical part then remember a few points that help to prepare and pass the test.

Theory test advice:

  1. Prepare with the latest DSA theory questions. When preparing, avoid just learning the questions. Get all details regarding the questions and remember all details thoroughly.
  2. Prepare all Highway Code signs and signals carefully. If you understand the Highway code very well then you more confident to pass the exam.
  3. Understand the hazard perception test scoring mechanism carefully and practice according to the scoring process. Practice more and more hazard clips and click the right time when hazard developed.
  4. Monitor yourself regularly when preparing for the exam and change practice according to your performance.
  5. Avoid nervousness and be confident during the theory exam.

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Practical test advice:

  1. Choose the driving instructor carefully. The Driving instructor must be well qualified and have a good driving experience and must be approved by DSA. A good driving instructor can teach you very well.
  2. Use the previous driver’s record distributed by DSA and follow these records when practice.
  3. If you made a driving mistake then don’t worry and avoid these mistakes in future. Check your preparation skills regularly with your driving instructor and judge your progress regularly.
  4. Always look for learning new driving techniques and tips and apply these tips for your driving practice.
  5. Prepare all driving maneuvers carefully and practice more to avoid mistakes and improve driving skills.
  6. Before applying for the exam, be confident about your preparation.

When you think that you are fully prepared for the theory and piratical exam then book the test. On the test, the day arrives 15 Minutes before at the test center and prepare yourself physically and mentally and concentrate only on your practical exam.

Avoid nervousness, stay cool, and think positively during the theory and practical examination. If you made a minor mistake in the test then don’t worry and concentrate the rest of the practical test part. During the practical exam if you don’t remember the instructions then don’t hesitate and ask the examiner to repeat the

Posted by: | Posted on: May 19, 2020

How to Succeed in a Driving Test?

Getting a license is a general concern and most often, it creates a controversy, especially when one considers the alarming number of candidates who do not succeed the first time, but most candidates have achieved the feat of getting the first consideration.

Choosing the right driving school and be regular

Among the wide choice on the market, it is needful to analyze the bid offered by each of the driving schools: working conditions, references, profile of the monitors, etc.

You can also give car driving license examination ( which is also known as ” ใบขับขี่รถยนต์ ” in thai language)


The method of asking references from other people rarely misleads and everyone who has ever tried his service for a driving license would be happy to share his testimony.

If the candidate is in Thailand, it is advisable to opt for a driving school which is part of the Family of IVTB (Industrial and Vocational Training Board) because they are a benchmark of learning for the licensing and the results are very satisfactory.

Once the decision is taken upon the best driving school, regularity is strongly recommended. He must give everything from the first session, we focus on traffic code, not relax, but keep improving your driving skills.

Learning the driving code is the base of successful driving

To memorize the driving code in a more efficient way, the courses and sessions provided from the driving school will be supplemented by alternative methods of learning.

The exercises throughout the software, tests on the Internet and books on the subject, in addition to those provided by the school, all these are helpful to memorizing the driving code.

Learning can also be done daily by simple observation of traffic signals as well as all road movements and it is a method that helps a lot.