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Accident Lawyers

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Posted by: | Posted on: July 12, 2019

Hit and Run Accident – How to Handle the Accident and the Insurance Claim

Hit-and-run accidents are more common than we think. Nearly 30% of all drivers in the US are not insured. This causes a very high rate of hit and runs accidents every day. This type of situation is very confusing and can surprise you.

If you are in an unfavorable situation, try to get as much detail as you can about other vehicles. This is not always possible because you can be beaten in the parking lot and won't know who hit you. You can also check online sources if you want to hire hit and run lawyer in Chula Vista.

Image result for hit and run accident

Image Source: Google

However, even when you are present, try to identify the type, model, and color of the car. If you can get a plate number then it will be better. One thing you can't do in a hit and run accident is chasing a car.

You never know why other vehicles run away and if they might be armed and dangerous. As a result, if you violate traffic laws, you will not be forgiven. That also applies if you have a second accident or hit someone else.

You need to call the police as soon as possible. This is often a source of frustration. The police will ask whether a hit-and-run accident occurred in the parking lot or someone was injured.

To protect yourself, you must still call the police. If the police department does not come to the scene, then go to the nearest police station and submit an "entry report".