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Posted by: | Posted on: August 6, 2019

Acupuncture and Depression – A Good Match?

Acupuncture and depression don't seem to fit. But you will be surprised what acupuncture can do for depression. After many tests conducted by researchers to test claims by many people who benefited from acupuncture, it has been proven that this natural treatment method can really do wonders for depression and anxiety. Get to know more about medical acupuncture via reading online.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine or fitness regimen that uses needle insertion techniques into strategic nerve points in the body. Treating pain, treating diseases and improving well-being – this is the main goal of acupuncture.

Scientific studies are looking at the efficacy and usefulness of acupuncture in modern medicine and there has been relevant evidence about its effectiveness in treating muscle pain in the neck and back area, in cases of nausea and headaches, even in some psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Anxiety and Depression – Physiology

Many researchers are now leaning towards the theory that depression is more physiological than psychological. This condition often arises when the body lacks the necessary biochemistry, nutrients, and vitamins to allow the mind and body to work in harmony and develop healthily.

When these physiological needs are met, many depressed people recover dramatically. For this reason, researchers are now discovering how to maintain and how to prevent this biochemistry prematurely.

This is where acupuncture comes in. Acupuncture stimulates nerve endings to send the correct signal to the appropriate organ. Stimulation produces the active production of chemicals needed, no more, no less – in perfect quantities.