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adult orthodontic treatment

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Posted by: | Posted on: February 28, 2023

Types Of Adult Orthodontic Treatments

Adult orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry that treats adults who have lost teeth or have teeth that are not in the correct position. Orthodontists use a variety of techniques to move teeth into the correct position.

Adult dental orthopaedics can be used to address issues like:

-Teeth that are out of alignment

-Teeth that are crooked or displaced

-Teeth that are too large or small

-Poor dental hygiene

There are a variety of adult orthodontic treatments that can be used to correct crooked teeth. These treatments include Invisalign, clear braces, fixed braces, and expansion braces.

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Invisalign is the most common type of adult orthodontic treatment. This treatment uses clear aligners that fit into the teeth on either side of the problem tooth. The aligners move your teeth into their proper positions, and then you remove them over time. This treatment is convenient because it doesn’t require any dental work other than removing the aligners. You can always choose to have regular check-ups to make sure your teeth are still in position.

Clear braces are another common type of adult orthodontic treatment. These braces use metal brackets that attach to the teeth on either side of the problem tooth. The brackets hold your teeth in their proper positions while you wear them for several months or up to two years.

You’ll need to visit a dentist three times a year for adjustments, and you may need to have temporary fillings placed in some cases if your brackets get loose or damaged. Clear braces are less convenient than Invisalign because they require more dental work and visits to the dentist, but they’re also less expensive and easier to take care of overall.