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Posted by: | Posted on: February 19, 2021

Things To Know About Call-Center Outsourcing

What do most businesses desire once they have made a decision to outsource? They want to reduce their costs, improve the quality, focus on core strengths, increase revenue/profitability and be more competitive.

They basically want more for less with maybe a good surprise thrown in. You can get call center services via

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OK, so how do the call-center outsourcers provide transparency, to give you that good surprise? Some examples include: allowing you to interview and select the personnel assigned to your business process: listening to your agents talking to your customers whenever you want; conference calls and status reports with your assigned team; voice recordings of your agents and customers to listen to, access to production reports by an agent to determine levels of productivity, access to outsourcer vendor management in real-time (chat), etc.

These tools provide a means to facilitate the communication and accountability (transparency) of the personnel assigned to your outsourcing process. They provide a sense of "control" and direct involvement to the client of the outsourcing personnel and the process.

If transparency offers the perception of a higher likelihood of success, what would be the ideal outsourcing process for your needs? It is perhaps easiest to think of it from the vantage point if you were managing the process internally, that is, that you are not going to outsource the process.

You know the process, you have the infrastructure, you choose the personnel, you determine the metrics for evaluation, you select the forms of monitoring and reporting, etc. If cost, time, and management bandwidth were not considerations, you would probably not outsource.