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Posted by: | Posted on: June 25, 2021

The Different Printing Process’ And Their Applications

Offset printing – Offset printing is the "vinyl record" of the printing world. It uses analog technology (plate and blanket) but produces prints at a higher resolution than a digital press.

The set-up costs are higher, but the costs (sheet costs) are much lower. Ideal for all types of prints, usually 500+ sheets. Used to print business cards, letterhead, brochures, folders, posters, pamphlets, magazines, magnets, and more.

Dot or PMS Ink – This is another type of offset printing that uses ink of a certain color in the press, depending on the color of each job.

PMS printing remains relevant because of the slight color variation that occurs with full color printing. Although more expensive in most cases, PMS or "dot color" printing allows for accurate color matching.

It is often used to print business stationery and marketing materials for large companies who are very careful with color consistency.

Image Source: Google

CMYK – This is a type of offset printing that uses the CMYK color spectrum. Each color can be obtained effectively by mixing different percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow and black.

This means you can have many different colors in your artwork and the price will stay the same. This allows many different jobs to be printed at the same time on a larger sheet format.