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Posted by: | Posted on: October 11, 2019

Multiply Your Productivity With Multi-Tool Services

MultiMaster Top is designed to help professional craftsmen complete the most detailed work or hobby project. It includes the same accessories as the Start and Selects and all the additional necessary to champion a variety of applications.

Top including sanding pad is perforated with 5 over each point (60, 80, 120, and 180, perforated), profile sanding set, the device is dust extraction, plastic bags, and triangular, perforated, carbide hoarse for grinding filler, adhesives, concrete, stone, and wood.

MultiMasters Fein generally more expensive than its competitors, but, Fein also has the experience, technology, and long life to provide outstanding products. If you are searching online for renovating tools then you can take a look here

Now, after losing their patent-around year or so ago, Fein has some tough competition. Bosch has just released its new tool Multi-X multifunction supported by a professional, high-performance motor 12v.

Oscillating from 5000-20000 OPM, the device variable speed dial designed to provide a large number of applications and the required speed adjustment for working days was very multifaceted a craftsman.

For enhanced versatility and precision, Bosch Multi-X has a few settings rotating position in 30-degree increments and the tool holder with 240-degree angle adjustment for optimized tool movement. It weighs only 2.12 lbs. Bosch multi-tool has an ergonomic design that is comfortable with a small perimeter, and a soft grip.

These comfortable designs reduce operator stress and fatigue and maximize overall performance on the job. 

Multi-X is powered by a battery technology that utilizes Litheon Bosch lithium-ion technology to achieve optimal battery life and power. Litheon batteries are compact and lightweight provide maximum power in a more efficient package.