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Posted by: | Posted on: April 22, 2020

Parking Lot Striping And Maintenance Increases Customer Safety

New paint gives a good first impression for arriving customers. Faded and cracked lines, holes and crumbling chocks are not only an eyesore, but also can be a safety hazard as well.

To ensure customers can park their cars easily and navigate the car park without confusion, regular maintenance is essential. If you are looking for road marking contractors then check

Clear parking lot striping will not only help visitors navigate easily, but the distance planned also can help maximize a small area, squeezing in an extra place for the car so you do not accidentally lose business.

Image Source: Google 

Most car park are also required by local regulations to meet specific codes that include a certain number of handicapped spaces designated for people with disabilities (how much will depend on the location and size of the area). This will require extra wide borders are clearly marked, allowing for space to remove the wheelchair or other mobility device required. The code may also require specific stencil and marked fire lanes.

If the area is jointly operated by several businesses, it can help to appoint a certain point directly in front of the door exclusively for the store. This is very useful for quick-stop shop is located next to the business transaction such as a restaurant or a movie theater again.

Keeping some free space and marked for fifteen minutes or less is another way to keep traffic flowing, turn fewer customers during peak periods. Space can stencil-painted and bordered in a different color to distinguish it from others.

Proper parking lot striping is also a valuable safety tool that can help you reduce collisions, slip and fall, or other potential hazards. In addition to keeping fresh paint and a clear direction of the arrow to increase the flow of traffic, consider re-opening the entire car park if very damaged. large holes and cracks not only can damage the vehicle, but people can fall and injure themselves.