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Skylight Designs

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Posted by: | Posted on: November 10, 2020

Getting Creative With Skylight Designs

Are you looking for an energy-efficient way to bring more light into your home? Consider the advantages of a dome-shaped roof.

Dorms are unique in that, unlike traditional flat roofs, their rounded shapes help attract light from multiple angles. Stained glass windows are sold in a variety of sizes and are ideal for large spaces where flashes of light can not only make a dramatic statement but also act as a light source.

Energy Efficiency:

Glass windows are also energy efficient as they carry the sun's heat without overloading the home's heating system. The dome-shaped skylights in Melbourne are ideal for areas with large temperature fluctuations because it is designed to minimize energy transfer.

Getting Creative With Skylight Designs Direct Skylight Supplies

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Glass windows can be installed in any room depending on the roof structure. When discussing where to put it, think about where to add a natural glow. A long hallway near the garage is a good option, although you may need three windows to light each end and center. One of the main advantages of domed skylights over flat windows is the ability to use gravity to keep the windows clean and leak-free. 

Skylight Options:

Skylight domes come in different variations, from clear acrylic that opens up space to prisms with a prism effect that captures soft, natural light. There are also white or bronze acrylic domes for those who want a more subtle effect. You know how they say the sky is the limit!