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Posted by: | Posted on: November 27, 2021

Use Of Recycling The Polystyrene Waste

The sealed expanded polystyrene can then be shipped and sold to manufacturers. Sealed EPS can be shipped to countries like Malaysia or to one of the few US manufacturers that make recycled products from polystyrene. 

From there the sealed EPS can be converted. It can be ground, melted, threaded, and cut into small pellets, which are then used to make photo frames and hangers. Recycled EPS is sometimes used in construction to make composite Waffle Pods building materials and architectural cornices.

If your company generates EPS waste, you need a management system. Miller Recycling can help you evaluate your recycling process and make recommendations so you get the best money for recyclable expanded polystyrene. 

Like other plastic products, expanded polystyrene is made from petroleum and the manufacturing process can damage the environment. Recycling this material reduces the need to make new expanded polystyrene. 

Styrofoam is also useful as a tool for arts and crafts. Many florists and event organizers take advantage of it by incorporating it into elaborate decorations, engraved figures or related promotional materials, adding ornaments and flowers to it, and using it as a base for the bottom of pots and vases.

With the high demand for recycled expanded polystyrene, companies that generate a lot of EPS waste could incur costs for diverting this product to recycling facilities instead of landfills.